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  Contact Us | HIV Information | Nutritionals/Incontinence

Helpful Information

Today, more is known about HIV and its treatment than ever before. At one time, it was believed that as long as a person had no symptoms, HIV was not at work within the body. But the virus is never inactive or dormant. In fact, your immune system works continuously against the virus from the first moment of infection. Unfortunately, there is not yet a cure for HIV. There are, however, medications available that can slow the progression of HIV and help you stay healthy for years.

This page is designed to be a source of information about HIV/AIDS and how the virus spreads throughout your body. It also contains information about different drugs, how they work to fight HIV, and may answer some of the questions you have. Please keep in mind, however, that your physician and/or pharmacist is the best source for information about HIV and specific treatments. Click on any of the links below for more information.

What is HIV? What is AIDS?

Stages of HIV Reproduction

T cell count and viral load

Antiretroviral Agents for HIV

Daily Dosing of Available Antiretroviral Agents


Contact Us | HIV Information | Nutritionals/Incontinence